
Monday, March 07, 2005

Wherein I Experience Tragedy (yet again)

Okay, remember the last entry where I blogged that I was exhilarated by my repaired laptop? And how I was so happy I no longer have to go cold turkey? Well, shit happens, much as I hate the term, and the guy handing it out likes to give it in intervals. My laptop broke down again, yes. LCD screen refuses to start up. I almost cried when I came back Saturday morning, rebooted and wondered why it was that there was no signal. I banged it, I implored it, I even muttered some apologies for atheism to a sentient deity(name hidden to protect identity). But it was Take's birthday and so I spent the whole day celebrating, instead of bemoaning the loss. I suppose it was better than sitting around at home all day moping. But Sunday rolled along and I knew I couldn't live like this any more. So I went home and carted back sister's old CRT, this ridiculously heavy thing with a tiny screen that she doesn't use any more because red saturation is poor. Now I am seated at my desk, laptop to a side, screen blank, and CRT in front, images flickering occasionally and everything slightly cyan. No updates for a while. This lousy setup is only good for assignments. Hopefully I can get an IBM.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sayang sayang... dun be sad. There's always CBLC.
*evil laff*


10:07 PM
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm exiled!  

10:55 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so it's take who wants to become a song writer? -xp  

1:05 AM

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