
Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Wherein I Am Not So Different

* just a note - in my previous post, I meant by "I can Pee and Shit like a normal person" that my toilet was fixed and that I wouldn't have to run half a kilometre to take a dump anymore, not that there was anything wrong with me physically that would have made me unable to attend to my sanitation needs *

I had a strange dream - rather out of character and also a little late. In it, I was back in my old army unit, and I screamed at some evil female clerks (I could tell they were evil in the dream, they wore flowing costumes that were inefficient and silly) who were trying to slack off, and they were suitably cowed. A peer expressed his admiration for my guts, and I beamed with pride over my asserted manliness.

Then I woke up, my drool leaking down my mouth.

I've never had a dream where I was aggressive. In fact, I've never been one to be aggressive (except to my family, and only in a rather sublimal and passive manner) and I have never ever shouted at anyone in the army. I just tended to speak rather quietly, review in my head the rules I had been given for being a GOOD LEADER and suck it up the best I could.

Of course, it makes me wonder if I am no different from the actively-aggressive types like Seet and Nick, who pursue bloody (and most ugly) activities like capoeira (the cha-cha is just a dance - capoeira isn't). After all, deep down the same impulses to cause hurt are still there, and I can even recall the intense feelings of satisfaction as the evil-office-ladies (oh who am I kidding. They weren't evil. They were dressed as Chang2 Er2) starting blubbing. I also remember telling myself to keep up the range of volumes and tones so as to keep them on their toes.

It was the most poetic dressing-down I've ever given.

Urgh. Scolding office ladies? Fawning peers? I have deep seated repressed emotional issues, don't I?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Spam blogs, sometimes referred to by the neologism splogs, are Web Log (or "blog") sites which the author uses only for promoting affiliated websites. The purpose is to increase the PageRank of the affiliated sites, get ad impressions from visitors, and/or use the blog as a link outlet to get new sites indexed. Content is often nonsense or text stolen from other websites with an unusually high number of links to sites associated with the splog creator which are often disreputable or otherwise useless Web sites.

Splogs have become a major problem on free blog hosts such as Google's Blogspot service. These fake blogs waste valuable disk space, bandwidth, and pollute search engine results.

The term splog was popularized around mid August 2005 when it was first used by some high profile bloggers but appears to have been used a few times before for describing spam blogs going back to at least 2003.

Several splog reporting services have been created for good willed users to report splog with plans of offering these splog URLs to search engines so that they can be excluded from search results. Splog Reporter was the first service of this kind.  

9:45 PM
Blogger Unknown said...

Ummm. I'm not sure if you see the irony of posting that right below a spammed comment.

Incidentally, free life insurance turns out to refer to another site that involves spam-marketing. Huh.  

10:07 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said... new word for the day  

9:34 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's there, boy, because i saw the spam. No irony here - nothing to see - move along now...  

3:54 AM

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