Wherein I receive a commendation and am top of the (Google) world
I signed up for Technorati today only to find that a lot more blogs have been linking to mine than I'd thought. It's a bit pleasing, like finding chocolates in your school locker (which never happened for me, except when I left it there myself), only that some of the chocolates in this case were rather sour and put there because I haven't always been nice in my posts. There were some nice mentions, such as:
Touching, isn't it? Courtesy of Frank Lee (parents had sense of humour?), who is an exceptionally brave blogger who reveals so much personal information on his blog and website such as his handphone number, School of Computing user ID and even chinese name in chinese characters(!) that I feel like I've known him for years. Hell, I don't even know the chinese names (much less in chinese characters) of some friends I've known for years, although this might be because their names have dozens of strokes and could pass for arcane runes for evil-things-that-cannot-be-mentioned-in-decent-languages (I admit some of them are rather nasty, but not quite that evil).
Don't worry about calling me cute, Frank. No one will think you're gay because of it. Everyone thinks I'm cute.
It's one of the reasons those little puppies always bite me - they're jealous of my cuteness.
Also, I realize with some alarm that one of my narrative posts on a South-East CDC concert was featured on Tomorrow.sg which I hrd frm my fr ah, is like sm kind of metablog loh. And den it is run by Singaporean journalists to see what we bloggers r writng abt u knw. Which is why I am now going through my posts to make sure I have written nothing politically incorrect - by which I mean not liable to get me in caned, fined or put into prison (though some may get me The Silent Treatment and Hmph!DunFrenUAlredi's).
Checking my webstats, I realized with joy that the number of people who visit my blog for pictures of Pokemon Sex has gone up (this post will probably help even more)! Wondering if it were possible that I had achieved my goal to be the Number 1 provider of high-quality perverse-images-of-cute-anime-animals-performing-pleaseing-acts, I searched-on-Google (please Google don't blame me for using the term as a verb in the past) for "pokemon sex" and found that I wasn't even in the top 100. Happily, though, Google Image Search proved to have one of my illustrations as its first result for "pokesex".
It brought a tear to my eye, it did. It's the first time in my life I've ever topped any list, much less a world-wide list. My mother would be so proud to know that her son is now top-shots for pokemon hentai.
Sarcasm aside, it does make me a little sad to realize that this is my only claim to fame as an artist and designer.
No jobs yet? I'm selling flowers in school for v-day. Care to help me out? The pay won't be much, but it won't be shabby either. You'll get to meet pretty girls as well... not guaranteed, though.
Email/call me if you're interested to find out more. =)
Thanks, Frank. If Valentine's rolls around and I still have no interviews I'll do it.
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