
Monday, April 11, 2005

America Stands As One

Errr. This music video (Quicktime) displaying America's theocratic leanings deserves watching. Note that I'm not a fan of American Foreign Policy, but I don't slam it neither. I just can't decide if the MTV is supposed to be satirical. I've decided it isn't, but is just so cheesy it borders on unbelieveable.

Dennis Madalone, (I can't believe the name isn't satirical) the lead singer and guy-with-long-hair in the video doesn't have to stand alone, though, had he taken the trouble to look for someone to love him! The Eulenspiegel Society is the oldest and largest BDSM education and support organization in the United States, with year-round events and lots of fun conferences and lectures you can go for if you're a member. I'm sure he can satisfy his cravings for firemen and army personnel at the NYC FetishMarathon, where he can also learn how to have fun with his dogs, I suppose.

And whilst you're checking them out, take the Over Masturbation Test at (warning! Idiot Alert!). According to them,

"there is a big change of body chemistry when one excessively pratices masturbation.


Abundant and unusually amount of these hormones and neurotransmitters can cause the brain and adrenal glands to perform excessive dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversion and turn the brain and body functions to be extremely sympathetic.

I know there's a change in my body chemistry when I masturbate. Usually the symptoms are a decreased interest in sex. Is that unhealthy?

Not that I need to masturbate daily, of course, but according to the survey as long as I'm 'Very Healthy' I can masturbate 50 times a week and still be fine. What a lark! I'd better be going off to complete my schedule then.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that masterbation does change the moods of the person. Plus it makes one tired and sleepy. Test it out if you have trouble sleeping. Late nights before the exam and still tense? Grab your willies and punish yourself for not studying 3 mths before! Take that! and That! And Poof! All your wearies are gone...  

9:32 AM
Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah, I usually don't think of pulling willie as an act of punishment... maybe if I had to see someone else do it or if someone was watching me it would be rather uncomfortable, but otherwise I wouldn't use "punishment", really.  

12:08 PM

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