
Monday, May 26, 2003

I have beedn alerted to the fact that the spelling on this weblog is atrocious! Evidently I need to take some classes or type slower. Ah well. How many mistakes can YOLU find? Heh. Am much too lazy to go back and edit all previous entries. I suppose the mistakes are there to stay.

I want a holiday. The stupid magazine, posters and other things are all driving me nuts. I want to go somewhere and just sit artound enjoying the breeze. Preferably outside singapore, since there has been no breeze to enjoy lately. The pervasive heat leaves me in a permanent state of sweatiness, and my keyboard pad is becoming rather sticky from overcontact with my clammy hands... But I have no money, need to find work, and have too many things to do... a holiday is about as likely as malaria (ie. quite unlikely). Have been considering just asking a few friends out to East Coast to sit around and look at the sky. I used to like that. Perhaps I still will.

Haven't been reading much, spending too much time in front of the tube lately watching rather sad shows. I've been thinking of adding some kind of appreciation page to this website, but I realise I appreciate very little. Some fan site? I don't think so. Critic? Too lazy. Picures of my holidays? Egad.

My mind has been somewhat preoccupied this semester, I know... bear with me and I'll try to make it more interesting eventually...


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